GuruIT Technologies Limited (GuruIT) is a leading IT service provider focusing on technology support for organizations in Kenya and East Africa. Our goal is to enable our clients to maximize their IT efficiency and improve service levels while maintaining reduced costs. We have packaged our technology solutions to provide all the services you would expect from an internal IT department team. This we do with a far greater depth of knowledge and experience given the size of diversity within our team.
IT is often as critical as “oxygen” in a service department, from managing access to electronic resources to storage, email, internet access, sharable resources access, and control thereof. The tedium of creating e‐mail accounts, maintaining user lists, troubleshooting desktop and remote clients, monitoring servers, administering security and content filters, and planning/deploying system upgrades requires IT experts who are not only hard to come by but also expensive to maintain. IT management carries with it both acquisition and operational costs (hardware, software, personnel, etc.) but it also carries opportunity costs ‐‐ the question you often find yourself asking is; wouldn’t it be better for the business if staff were engaged in activities which are more central to the core business?
At GuruIT, we make this decision an easy one to make, we provide our clients with an unrivaled pool of experts for a fraction of the cost enabling the organization to focus on its reason for existence. For most organizations, maintaining around‐the‐clock support internally is just not realistic. It would be best if you had access to more resources, more expertise, and experts. When it comes to your information technology, expertise is critical in ensuring your organization stays up, effective, and efficient. Every organization relies on optimal performance and availability and it is our job to make it happen.